I just purchase thailand's best seller products online on Instagram.
I will review after 2 weeks or a month on these following products I bought:
CHOM NITA White Series Soap 120g (P400.00)
Update!! Ok, this soap is expensive. But my brother compliments my skin saying it lighten a bit. And thats all. For 400 pesos one person says it lighten and not even sure. It did not lighten dark areas like what it claims. ; (
Update! Smells OK. But I no big difference in whitening.
PLACENTA WHITE SHOCK 30capsule (P580.00)
GLUTA 400000mg 10capsules (P270.00)
Update!! I see no difference using GLUTA 400K and placenta white shock. My complexion stayed the same but I can say im glowing. The feeling your skin did not whiten but you feel good and look good aura. Maybe because of the placenta or gluta. But after consuming all these no effect on whitening.
CHERRY WHITE underarm cream 5g (P100.00)
Update: cherry white is NOT Effective! Consumed 3 cherry white u/a cream and 2 feminine cream and believe me I did NOT see any effects! Frustrated about these products who claims that they can whiten And has good reviews. My ua and feminine area are darker than the rest of my body and sad to say.. it stay the same. The RADISH CREAM seems to be good in maintaining your skin's texture and appearance but sad to say again after consuming 1 100g jar of this, no effect. Still the same. I thought it whiten my hard to whiten area but it did not.
The WHITE OVER NIGHT MASK is a good one! Consumed 1 5g small tiny winy jar for about 2 weeks and the effect was amazing. Super smooth skin everytime I woke up. Feels moisturize and supple but It did not whiten mu spots and pimple scars.
CHERRY WHITE Feminine Cream 5g (P100.00)
RADISH CREAM 100g ( P500.00)
I will make reviews on these products once I've tried it all. Im hoping for great results :)
Please tell me if you see some of the items at lower or higher price to other online stores.